  • Refresh Plus

    Refresh Plus

    REFRESH PLUS® instantly moisturizes to provide immediate, soothing relief for dry, irritated eyes. It comes in preservative-free single-use vials and has many of the same healthy qualities as your own natural tears. REFRESH PLUS® has also been demonstrated to relieve post-LASIK dryness. If you have recently had LASIK surgery, please follow your eye doctor’s instructions regarding the use of REFRESH PLUS®.

  • Refresh Optive

    Refresh Optive

    Open your eyes to an advanced drop ― REFRESH OPTIVE® Advanced Preservative-Free.

    This scientifically advanced lubricant eye drop provides Dry Eye symptom relief through an innovative, triple-action, preservative-free formula. It’s clinically proven to relieve your dry, burning, irritated eyes due to Dry Eye. REFRESH OPTIVE® Advanced Preservative-Free works on all three layers of your tear film to:

  • Muro 128 Drop

    Muro128 Drop

    Muro 128® 5% (Sodium Chloride Hypertonicity Ophthalmic Solution, 5%) can offer effective daytime temporary relief when you suffer from corneal edema. This solution is available without a prescription, but should be used upon recommendation by an eye care professional. This product contains no mercurial compounds such as Thimerosal
