1880 Sismet Road Mississauga, ON L4W 1W9, Canada


Entropion is defined as an inward rotation of the anatomical eyelid margin away from the globe. It is commonly seen with the aging population as the main etiology is horizontal laxity of the eyelid tissues. Other risk factors include previous trauma, glaucoma drops, and systemic conditions. Patients may complain of chronic ocular redness, irritation, and foreign body sensation. Due to the severe nature of the ocular irritation, patients may also have significant tearing, discharge, and ocular infections


Patients need to be reminded to avoid wiping their eyelids in a horizontal or downwards fashion.


This condition continues to progress until the time of surgery.


Most patients with lid retraction can be initially managed with topical lubricating drops during the day and lubricating gels at night. Patients can attempt to tape their eyelids to their cheek, but this is only a temporary measure. Most patients with entropion will eventually need surgery to reposition their eyelids.


Our specialized team of doctors and state-of-the-art facility
are available at two convenient locations

1880 Sismet Road Mississauga,
ON L4W 1W9, Canada

+1 905-212-9482

2630 Rutherford Rd #105, Vaughan,
ON L4K 0H2, Canada

+1 (905) 212-9482

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